Onga / Pentair Pool Cleaners
Onga / Pentair pool cleaners have a wide range of pool cleaners on the market. From reverse moving single moving part models such as the Mako Shark to the intricate cog driven, forward moving pool cleaners like the Great white. These unique forward driving pool cleaners have created their own niche market with thousands of admireres around the country who absolutly love them.
Onga Pool Cleaners
Following the original design of the baracuda the Onga Mako shark is a similar pool cleaner to the G2 from Zodiac. This pool cleaner is the top seller in the onga range. The hammer head pool cleaner is a reverse moving pool cleaner similar to a baracuda or Kreepy Krawly. With its patented silent flapper technology it has a huge following in the entry level pool cleaner market and is a popular seller.
Pentair Pool Cleaners
Pentair is the parent company of Onga who are a huge player in the swimming pool industry in both Australia and America. Pentair aquired the name and the company to rebrand a reproduce the the Great White, Pool Shark and Sand Shark pool cleaner models from Kreepy Krawly every where else in the world except for Australia. This proved to be very sucessful in the united states and have now brought these well established pool cleaners to the pool industry in Australia. These inovative forward moving pool cleaners scrub, clean, climb walls and don't get stuck.