Automatic Pool Cleaners
Suction and robotic Pool cleaners are the two most common types of automatic pool cleaners used in domestic pools. Which one you choose depends on many factors including budget and pool size and surface. The good news is, Pool and Spa Direct stock both types from some of Australia's largest pool brands including Zodiac, Baracuda, Onga and Pentair.
Click on the product info link below to search the all Pool Cleaners Category.
Zodiac/Baracuda pool cleaners are among the most popular automatic pool cleaners in the Australian market. Both companies boast more than 20 years' experience so it's fair to say they know what floats your pool's boat. Some of the products have been outstanding and have out lasted all the competitors. Some of these products are -
Click on the product info link below to search the Zodiac / Baracuda Pool Cleaner Category.
Pentair Pool Cleaners
Featuring innovative forward movement, the Onga/Pentair Great White, Pool Shark and Sand Shark automatic pool cleaners are the clever choice for pools where conventional pool cleaners get stuck in the corners or on the steps.
The Onga Mako shark and hammerhead pool cleaners have a silent hammer system providing the durability of a Kreepy Krauly and the quiet operation of a Baracuda.
Onga Pool Cleaner Range are the silent predators for all debris in swimming pool accross Australia.
- Mako Shark
- Great White
- Hammerhead
- Pool Shark
- Sand Shark
Click on the link below to search the Onga/Pentair pool cleaner category.
Robotic Pool Cleaners
Robotic pool cleaners really are as cool as they sound! Tweaks to the technology mean robotic cleaners are now an affordable and effective option for many pool owners. Working independently from the filter and pump, robotic cleaners are driven by an electric motor inside the unit. And the best part is, they're self-contained, collecting dirt and debris in a bag or cartridge within the cleaner. We stock Models such as -
- Zodiac V4 4WD
- Zodiac V3 4WD
- Zodiac V3
- Dolphin M5 Supreme Liberty
- Dolphin M5 Supreme
- Dolphin M4 Supreme
- Davey PoolSweepa Wallclima Optima
- Davey PoolSweepa Wallclimba
- Davey PoolSweepa Floorcova
- Davey PoolSweepa Hybrid
Suction Pool Cleaners
Suction pool cleaners are the most common automatic pool cleaners in Australia. Just like a vacuum cleaner, suction pool cleaners suck leaves and debris into the skimmer basket, when the pool pump is turned on.
- Zodiac G2
- Zodiac T3
- Zodiac T5 Duo
- Zodiac MX8
- Zodiac MX6
- Aqcuasphere
- Avenger
- Pool Rover ST
- Astral Bolero