Saltwater Chlorinators
A saltwater chlorinator is basically a chlorine generator, which consists of two parts: a low voltage power supply and an electrolytic cell. Through the process of electrolysis the units convert salt to sodium hypochloride (liquid chlorine). When the chlorine has completed its work on cleaning your pool water, it reforms back into salt! It does not use up any salt through this process. The advantages of salt in swimming pools, apart from the sanitising effect are the pleasantness of the water, lack of red eyes from prolonged bathing, convenience, lower chemical costs and the fact that asthma and hay fever sufferers can now swim in and under water without adverse symptoms.
Application: The electrolytic cell is plumbed into the filter return line and the power pack mounted on a wall or post in close proximity to the cell. Common salt is added to the pool water, 4kg for every 1000 litres -(4000-5000ppm) or approx 8-9 x 25 kg bags for a 50,000 litre pool. The salinity level, approximatly 1/8th the strength of seawater is so mild it is pleasant to taste. Salt is replaced only through loss of water, such as backwashing or splashing or draining the pool after heavy rain, which amounts to about 1/4 of the initial dosage annually. Evaporation of water will only concentrate the salt level.